Kongsberg Automotive (KA) seeks to engage in an open and continuous dialogue with the financial market. The company’s Investor Relations (IR) Policy covers guidelines for the company’s contact with shareholders and the financial community.


According to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the rules & procedures of the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE), KA is obligated to ensure equal treatment of financial market participants and equal opportunities to access relevant information. The main communication channels are stock exchange releases, press releases and the company's website.

KA publishes financial results on a quarterly basis according to its financial calendar which is published annually on the company’s website and to the OSE. KA will publish all information that is of significant value to the company as soon as possible, unless publication could damage/harm the company's interests or those of its partners, in which case we should consider whether the conditions for deferred publication may apply.

Daily communication with the financial market is handled by Investor Relations. The dialogue with the market takes form primarily through annual reports, quarterly reports, meetings with investors and analysts, participation in important financial industry conferences, and capital markets events organized by KA, and use of the company's website.

All information will be provided in English.


When announcing contract awards, the company applies the following rules/threshold:

Contract with an order intake of EUR 3 million or above in estimated annual revenue shall be announced through the OSE.

In special circumstances and, the company holds the right to announce news through OSE notifications even if they do not meet the EUR 3 million in annual revenue threshold.


KA shall observe a silent period four weeks prior to the publishing of quarterly financial results. KA does not attend any investor- or analyst meetings, or financial conferences during these periods.


Head of Investor Relations is responsible for maintaining and communicating with KA’s financial stakeholders. Equity investors as well as bond holders. All inquiries from financial stakeholders regarding the company must be directed to KA’s Head of Investor Relations.


KA shall comply with applicable legislation and rules for companies listed on the OSE and the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of 2021. 


Reporting to the market and contact with shareholders, investors and analysts outside general meetings are based on the following principles:​

Disclaimer: KA`s Investor Relations reserves the rights to update this document

