


Kongsberg Automotive Morse Shanghai Co., Ltd. (KAMS), Shiyan branch

Map image


6 Shennong 5th Rd,
Xicheng Blvd,
Zhangwan District,
Shiyan, Hubei, China 442000

Phone: +86 21 581 34411

At a glance

> Sub-branch of KAMS (Kongsberg Automotive Morse Shanghai)

> Opened in 2024 to serve the customers in western China
> The facility is focusing on assembly operations and distribution of products, including cables, gear shifters, and clutch servos

Kongsberg Automotive Morse Shanghai Co., Ltd. ( KAMS ), Shiyan branch, is located in Shiyan, Hubei province, close to a main production hub of commercial vehicles in the western part of China.

The plant is focused on products delivered to the heavy-duty trucks and buses, as well as products used in the agriculture and construction industries.

Gear shift systems and clutch servos, as well as distribution of parts from other KA facilities to customers in western China are the focus areas of this plant.